Wednesday, March 12, 2008

realHope event's

Ok, so some great things happening around realHope. We keep growing and that is really exciting. Honestly we are going to have to consider knocking down a wall or something, I'm not sure what we are going to do. This is a good problem to have!

We had a guys night out on Monday, which I highly enjoyed. We went and shot pool for the evening at which I completely suck, except for one game where I looked like a professional. But really good fun and one to become a traditoin. Nothing like kicking back and enjoying a relaxing evening.

Coming up we have an Owner's work day this Saturday, Good Friday service on the 21st, Spring Cook Out on the 22nd, and of course Easter on the 23rd. The month finishes out with a Ladies Craft Night and a Management Team meeting. It is a busy month but lots of good stuff!