Monday, July 02, 2007

Health & More

Yesterday afternoon we welcomed our first new baby to rH. Steven DeVarne was born, Sunday around 4 PM, seven weeks early! Jen went into the hospital with complications earlier in the morning. We saw both Scott and Jen today and they both were doing well. Their son is doing well to and will have to stay in the hospital for a few weeks while he gets stronger. Overall both mommy and son are doing very well. We are excited that rH just grew by one! Congrats Scott and Jen!

And today I started exercising, ran over a mile today. Why oh why does working out have to be so much work...guess that's why they called it working out!

International quiz night went well. We plan to do another by the end of the summer. It was a great time of fellowship and fun. I was really glad I was the host because I didn't know any of the answers. They were really hard questions! Like what is the most popular candy to hand out at Halloween?

Well, only four days left at the hotel!


Unknown said...

Candy Corn? Is that the answer?

jdawg said...

snickers...can you believe that?