Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Time Off

Well this week I'm enjoying some rest and catch up on somethings around the homestead and for rH before I begin my new job at Headway. I started the week off doing some premarriage counseling and visiting the zoo with Christie and Luke. Luke just wanted to see Giraffes and luckily at the very end we saw them. It was a lot of fun but really hot!

I finally got a calendar put together for rH for the next couple of months and started putting together a preaching series calendar together as well. Our big project that we are starting to get underway is to get morning Sunday services going. We feel like more people will choose this time to visit us and well frankly we like to grow.
The biggest challenge is what do with worship. We really need a gifted worship leader so please pray that God will lead us to the right person to do this.

It seems this is the week for people from the past to check in. At least its been people I still like to hear from! Well that's all the update for now, maybe something of more interest later.