Friday, May 05, 2006

Log Day 13 - The Others

Last week Christie and I attended the National Church Planting Conference in Orlando, FL. The theme of the conference was "Risk" and that resonated very well with us. It was an amazing week filled with clarity. We came away hearing from great speakers like Ed Stezter, a church planting guru, and one of my personal favorites, Gene Appel. We also had some moments to spend with Donnie and Cinda Williams (lead pastor at LifePointe) and get some wise counsel and perspective from our friend, Brent Foulkes.

I think most exciting was to see the 800 others that are doing the same thing. It was encouraging to know there are others following this call, experiencing the same up's and down's, questioning it all, running forward with passion, taking the risk - and realizing that we are not alone. There are others!

Our destination is on the horizon and while the methodologies will change dramatically we are excited about what will be charted next in our journey. This is the biggest risk I have ever taken. The winds are blowing very strong change in our direction as we set out to plant a new church.