Sunday, January 27, 2008

A Weekend Too Short

Seriously, why are weekend only two days. I have so much more I need to get done around the house. Christie has created a 'honey-do' list and I only got one thing crossed off! (And this is not because I just wasted away my weekend) Between church and two active kids, everything else sometimes feels like mission impossible to complete. I'm just thinking we've got it backwards. Maybe it should be more like Monday - Friday off, work Saturday and Sunday. Awe, well Monday is here before you know it...hope your week turn's out good!


Unknown said...

Haahaa... Tim has a list, too (of things I want HIM to do). I hear ya about short weekends. We tried to do some spring cleaning this past weekend and only got half of what I wanted done. And I'm a total slave driver (completely metaphorically speaking, of course)! Miss you guys!

Unknown said...

hee hee, Honey that one thing made everything else feel better! (and really you did even more than that.)