Thursday, February 15, 2007


"The skeptiscism of those who lead conventional spiritual lives is a palpable reminder that growth always comes with a price tag...The mere presence of Revolutionaries makes the typical American citizen - yes, even the typical churchgoer - uncomfortable. It is not uncommon for Revolutionaries to meet with rejection - verbal, intellectual, relational, or experiential - simply because of their determination to honor the God they love."

This is a quote from George Barna's book "Revolution." By no means did this book alter my thinking in any great way. It was an easy read but affirming what I feel inside many days. It help identify what I am a part of - of who I am becoming - of where I am going. I can be lots of titles. A bivocational minister, church planter, front desk manager, daddy, husband, brother - but I am a part of a much larger movement. I am one of the revolutionaries which simplified means, I have deserted Christianity and become a follower of Christ.

I know it seems somewhat of a paradox, but this is much of the revolutionary life.


Unknown said...

there is nowhere else I'd rather be! I am so excited about what God is doing with our family and in this community. I am honored to be a part of this revolution.

Just Vegas said...

Moby wrote something similar...
I love that, "I have deserted Christianity and become a follower of Christ." I think I will put it on a shirt.